After seeing his mother Holy fall ill due to DIO's reawakening, Jotaro embarks on a journey across the world alongside his grandfather, Joseph Joestar, and a group of friends in order to save his mother and defeat the Vampire once and for all.

Jotaro lives an ordinary life until the Joestar Family's old nemesis, DIO, returns. Jotaro is a Japanese delinquent ( 番長, Banchō) with Japanese roots from his father's side, and half-British half-Italian roots from his mother's side. As a result of all his appearances, Jotaro is the most recurring JoJo protagonist of the series.

He also appears as a primary ally in Diamond is Unbreakable and Stone Ocean, and makes a brief appearance as a tertiary character in Vento Aureo. Jotaro Kujo ( 空条 承太郎, Kūjō Jōtarō) is the main protagonist of the third part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, Stardust Crusaders, and the third JoJo of the series.