Unchecking the “Show Compatible Hardware” option. Uncheck the “ Show compatible Hardware” option and then select the appropriate driver from the list.If this doesn’t work, repeat the process till the fourth step and choose the “ Browser my Computer for Driver Software” and then select the “ Let me pick from a list of devices“.If it cannot find the driver or update it you can also re-install the driver by connecting your computer via Ethernet to the router and then going to the manufacturer’s site to download the driver. The updated driver will then begin downloading and will install itself.Select “Search automatically for updated driver software” from the list.Right-click on the adapter and select “Update driver software”.From the list, select Network Adapters and then your network adapter (The names can differ based on the make of your computer).Press Windows key + X to invoke the menu above the start button.Most of the time, this problem is caused by outdated network adapter drivers and this has to be the first solution you should try: In the first method, we will be showing you how you can manually update the network adapter drivers to resolve this issue. Method 1: Tweak Wireless Network Adapter Drivers